Benefits of passion fruit


Benefits of passion fruit Its content of nutrients Vitamin A: Vitamin A is an essential element for the health of cells, eyes, immunity, and reproduction, and the pulp of passion fruit and its seeds contain approximately 8% of the body’s daily needs of this vitamin. [1] Antioxidants: Passion fruit is one of the fruits rich in antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals. They are unstable molecules that can cause damage to the body's cells if they are present in large quantities. Among the antioxidants found in this fruit are what are known as polyphenols, which are plant compounds that can reduce the risk of chronic inflammation and heart disease, due to their properties. It has anti-inflammatory effects in addition to its antioxidant effect. [2] One of the most important polyphenols in this fruit is a type called piceatannol, which, if taken as a nutritional supplement, can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and improve the body’s sensitivity. For insulin in males who suffer from excess weight, vitamin C is also one of the types of antioxidants abundant in passion fruit, which in turn helps the body in the formation of blood vessels, muscles, cartilage, and collagen , 

which maintains healthy skin

. This vitamin also contributes to reducing inflammation and reducing The risk of exposure to a cold helps the body recover, and protects cells from damage and some types of cancer. [2] [1] Dietary fiber: Dietary fiber can provide the body with a number of health benefits. It may help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and give the body a feeling of fullness or satiety for a longer period. This feeling can reduce the rise in insulin levels and reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. In addition, Dietary fiber can relieve constipation and gas, as it reduces acidity and ammonia levels in the colon. Which enhances the health of the microbiome environment (in English: Microbiota), or the so-called beneficial bacteria in the intestines, and can reduce the risk of colon cancer . In general, these benefits enhance the health of the digestive system. As for the peels of this fruit, they are rich in biodegradable fibers. Which has anti-diabetic and anti-dyslipidemia effects. [3] [4]

 Magnesium: Passion fruit is rich in magnesium, which may help reduce levels of anxiety and stress. A systematic review published in the journal Nutrients in 2017 showed that magnesium may help control anxiety levels in those who suffer from it. However, this benefit still needs more studies to confirm it. [5] [6] Potassium: Passion fruit contains good levels of potassium, whose low levels in the body are linked to some problems that may affect heart functions. Such as the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmia (in English: arrhythmias) or heart rhythm disturbance , and therefore it is very necessary for the health of the heart and its functions to consume sufficient amounts of potassium through the diet. [7] PUBLICITÉ Benefits of passion fruit according to the strength of scientific evidence Benefits have strong scientific evidence Improving insulin sensitivity: Insulin sensitivity is defined as the relationship between the amounts of insulin that the body needs to enter a certain amount of glucose present in the blood into the cells. [8] Improving insulin sensitivity helps reduce the risk of diabetes and many other diseases. A study published in Nutrients magazine in 2017 showed that piceatannol,

 found in passion fruit seeds, can improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin and improve metabolism as well. [9] [6] Video you may like: Benefits have less strong scientific evidence Possibility of possessing anti-cancer properties: A small study conducted at the University of Florida in 2003 showed that passion fruit contains phytochemicals; Carotenoids and phenols may have anti-cancer properties. The study showed that these components may have a role in inhibiting the proliferation of leukemia cells and stimulating the process of programmed death of cancer cells sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sldkfn skjd fjksd f sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf sdkjfnsdkf sdjk fsdji fijsdkf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf ksjdnfsnf \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f g lp[g]f df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g df g dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg dfg d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf gfdf g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we ehlpoke owe oppow we potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr potkewtj woekowperk tjpo k4tr ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko ewlmfoleragkt [pweot wrk[wtko went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr went ogifjeropit jkr erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe erjt ipe (in English: Apoptosis). [10] Lowering blood pressure: A preliminary study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research in 2013 showed that passion fruit contains some components that can positively affect blood pressure levels, as the analysis conducted on the pulp of the yellow fruit of passion fruit showed that it contains a number of antioxidants. Which is believed to be responsible for significantly reducing systolic blood pressure , and these antioxidants include: flavonoids, phenols, ascorbic acid or what is known as vitamin C, and carotenoids, but the way these compounds work still needs more studies to know. . [11] Nutritional value of passion fruit Passion fruit contains a number of vitamins and minerals, and the following table shows their quantities in one cup, or the equivalent of 236 grams of this fruit: [12] Nutritional component Nutritional quantity water 172 milliliters Calories 229 calories Protein 5.19 grams Total fat 1.65 grams Carbohydrates 55.2 grams Dietary fiber 24.5 grams Calcium 28.3 milligrams Iron 3.78 milligrams magnesium 68.4 milligrams Phosphorus 160 milligrams Potassium 821 milligrams Sodium 66.1 milligrams Zinc 0.236 milligram Copper 0.203 milligram Selenium 1.42 micrograms vitamin C 70.8 milligrams Vitamin B2 0.307 milligram Vitamin B3 3.54 milligrams Vitamin B6 0.236 milligram Folate 33 micrograms Vitamin A 3000 IU Vitamin E 0.047 milligram Vitamin K 1.65 micrograms Can passion fruit peels be eaten and what are their benefits? Passion fruit peels are considered inedible, because they contain substances that may cause poisoning.

 You can read more about that in the Passion Fruit Harms section below, [2] but it is possible to obtain extracts from this peel, as there are some studies that indicate Its health benefits. Among these studies, we mention the following: A study published in Nutrition Research in 2008 showed the effect of passion fruit peel nutritional supplements in alleviating the symptoms associated with asthma . Such as wheezing or wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath, when taken over a period of 4 weeks, because it has anti-inflammatory properties. [13] A study was published in the journal Nutrition Research in 2016 and was conducted on a number of people suffering from degenerative arthritis. Which is one of the main causes of joint pain and disability. During this study, it was found that the potential ability of passion fruit and its peel in particular to alleviate the symptoms of people with degenerative arthritis . Its results showed a decrease in the levels of stiffness and pain in the joints and a decrease in the level of disability after taking peel supplements rich in flavonoids. This effect may be attributed to the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that these supplements possess, but this effect still needs more work. Studies to confirm it. [14]
